Spring cleaning is among us! Luckily, the founders of Host Homes, a new Colorado-based organizing and styling company, have offered up advice for decluttering spaces that are often forgotten.

The Fridge

Finding snacks and reaching for ingredients is a lot easier when your fridge is in order. “Our go-to fridge organizers are the clear storage bins from The Container Store since you can see exactly what you’re working with in your fridge at all times,” says Kelsey Thompson, co-founder of Host Homes. She also says it’s smart to place easy-to-reach snack bins filled with things like yogurt, string cheese, and juice boxes on a low shelf for kids. “This way they can easily grab a healthy treat!”

Under the Kitchen Sink

Home clean-up will be quick, efficient, and less frustrating if you know what’s under your sink. “We love creating designated zones for cleaning products so you can clearly see your inventory and know when you need a refill,” says Aubrey Troeger, co-founder of Host Homes. Another way to control the clutter is to buy multi-purpose products rather than separate cleaners for different finishes.


To deter your kids from stuffing toys in bookshelves, Troeger recommends decluttering and getting rid of unused items. Then include your kids in the sorting process, which will help them feel more in control and will teach them where everything is supposed to go. One fun (and aesthetically pleasing) way to sort things: Color code them. “We love sorting things by category and color. In this case, making a rainbow of books could be a motivator for kids to put them back where they belong,” says Thompson.

This article was originally published in April 2021.