Do you wanna build a snowman? You don’t need snow pants and gloves, or even snow on the ground to make these frosty guys.

Glass Rock Snowman Clips

This project (shown above) is fantastic to do with a group of children (of any age).

You Will Need:

  • Glass rocks
  • Acrylic paint (white, black, orange, pink)
  • Clothespins
  • Glue


  1. Paint the rocks with white acrylic paint, and allow the white base coat to totally dry.
  2. Paint snowman details.
  3. Once all the paint is dry, glue your snowman face to a clothespin to create the clip.

Felt Snowman

This craft project is fun to create and once done, fun to use. Bonus: Only two materials are needed.

You Will Need:

  • Felt (white, black, orange, red, and other colors of your choice)
  • Scissors


  1. Draw the shape of a snowman onto a large piece of white felt and cut it out. Cut out eyes, carrot nose, and mouth, plus clothing and accessories. Because felt sticks to felt, the pieces can be arranged over and over again to dress the snowman.

If you have a child who struggles with expressing feelings, you can create different face pieces to use as a way for them to communicate. This project is also great for teaching colors and shapes.