By day, Marietta Stechmeyer is a 1st grade teacher at Strive Prep Ruby Hill in Denver. Sometimes, though, she dons a paper crown and a cape made from a towel to become the “phonics queen” on Rocky Mountain PBS. With handmade scepter in hand, she breaks down language for kids all across Colorado.

Stechmeyer is just one of many educators returning to RMPBS this fall for Colorado Classroom: Learn with Me at Home, launching September 7. The series, which will air for 15 weeks, offers Kindergarten through grade 3 students with remote lessons in literacy, science, art, and math.
The initiative is a partnership between Governor Jared Polis, the Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Education Initiative, and Rocky Mountain Public Media in order to reach families in all parts of the state, regardless of internet access.
“While many students are already back in class, other school districts haven’t begun in person learning yet and we want to do everything we can to support Colorado students, teachers, and parents as we navigate these challenges together,” says Governor Jared Polis.
Colorado Classroom: Learn with Me at Home will air Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. starting on Labor Day. The fall program will have themed weeks, with resources provided by Denver Museum of Nature & Science, The Space Foundation, The Denver Art Museum, and The Denver Zoo, and others.

Stechmeyer says she’s especially excited to teach a lesson on cultural intelligence this fall, based on a book written by teachers. “The book walks kids through different cultural identities like food, clothing, language, race, ethnicity, and others. The objectives for the lesson are: I know who I am, I like who I am, and I like learning about people that are similar and different from me. I think these are some of the most important concepts we can teach our kids,” she says.
Viewers unable to watch the daytime broadcast can record the lessons, which will be rebroadcast overnight on RMPBS. The RMPBS website will include accompanying lesson plans. Families without internet access can request that worksheets be mailed to them through participating libraries, by calling 800-274-6666.
“I’m a new mom, so the thought of families throughout Colorado working so hard to learn from home, at school, or a combination of both gives me proud mama tears,” says Stechmeyer. “We’re all in this together—and we will have our good days and bad days—but in the end it’s truly a privilege to do my part for families across Colorado on RMPBS.”
When to Tune In
Here’s when to watch based on your child’s grade level:
- 8 a.m. Kindergarten
- 8:30 a.m. 1st Grade
- 9:00 a.m. 2nd Grade
- 9:30 a.m. 3rd grade
- “Math Minute” lessons will run throughout day