The beloved animated kids’ show PAW Patrol is bringing live-action magic to the stage next weekend in Denver. PAW Patrol Live! “Heroes Unite” is an action-packed adventure that follows the PAW Patrol gang as they join together on a global mission to save Robo Dog and stop Mayor Humdinger’s clones. 

PAW Patrol Live! “Heroes Unite” builds on the themes found in the animated series: friendship, teamwork, and kindness. Audiences are encouraged to become “top heroes” by helping those around them. The interactive nature of the show invites audiences to become honorary members of the PAW Patrol, creating long-lasting memories for any young hero in the crowd. 

The live show is geared toward children ages 2–8, but PAW Patrol spokesperson Dante Brattell says, “Everyone will enjoy the witty writing and fast-paced action. All the elements are there from the [animated] show, with the added element of in-person magic.” Brattell adds that you don’t have to have seen the TV series to enjoy the performance; it will delight fans and those unfamiliar with the characters.

Don’t miss out on the fun–get your tickets to join the PAW Patrol on their exciting adventure!

Tickets start at $34 and can be purchased at VIP Meet & Greet packages are available for an exclusive post-show experience!
Feb. 1–2, 2025
Bellco Theatre, Denver
More information about the show