When I was growing up, my parents often told my sisters and I, “Thank goodness we are all different! If we were all the same, the world would be a very boring place.” That simple message was more than a polite reminder. It was a mantra—drilled into our brains over the years—that inspired a sense of respect and curiosity for other people, their interests, cultures, and traditions. This is one of the reasons I love this issue of Colorado Parent so much. In recent years, June has become a month to celebrate diversity. To honor that, we decided to celebrate the beautifully diverse families of Colorado and share a slice of their lives.

When you read about the families we interviewed, you’ll notice that some may resemble your family in big or small ways, and some not at all, but as writer Priscilla Blossom says, like you, they all love their children fiercely, and share the same view when they gaze west.

On a lighter note, we also explore the diversity of outdoor activities available for Colorado kids and the gear (Oh, the gear!) needed to keep them well outfitted. “The Ultimate Colorado Kids Gear Guide,” will help you keep your kids safe, dry, and comfortable no matter what they love to do.

We also had a chat with Colorado’s new first family. Governor Jared Polis and first gentleman Marlon Reis share a little about their lives as parents, and despite a demanding schedule and life in the spotlight, their love of simple quiet time together with their two children.

This article was originally published in January 2025.
Deborah Mock

Deborah Mock is the editor for Colorado Parent magazine.