As a mother of four, Jennifer Jaskolka forcefully gifts herself Me Time on a regular basis as a way to relieve stress from work and reconnect with an old pastime, dancing. A former ballet dancer turned litigation attorney, ballet and stretch-based exercise like yoga help to calm her mind, which allows her be a better partner and parent.

How do you carve out Me Time?

You have to “gift” Me Time to yourself. My husband Geoff is immensely supportive and knows that ballet and yoga are my two primary sources of relief from stress. My two kids (ages 13 and 11) know that mom is in a much better mood when she has had her exercise. Each member of our blended family has his or her interest (art, soccer, squash, golf) and respect for individuality is expected.

Why is Me Time important to you?

It keeps me sane! My work is mentally challenging, and so is parenting and providing for four children. Me Time allows me to be a better partner, parent, employee, and human being.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

“Think about what you could accomplish if you knew you could not fail.” My long-time friend Tosca Lee told me this at a stage in my life where I had a lot of self-doubt and I was contemplating whether I could get into, and through, law school. She is now a New York Times best-selling author, and I’m grateful she nudged me and proud that she followed her own advice.

This article was originally published in January 2025.
Christina Cook

Christina Cook is the associate editor for Colorado Parent magazine.