Between owning her own business and raising a teenager, Chris Englert sets aside at least 20 minutes of Me Time every day. For her, it’s all about getting outdoors and enjoying a nice walk, and she’s even made it her full-time job. As the owner of a walking tour business (, Englert leads urban hiking tours around Denver. Whether she’s walking alone, with friends, or leading a group, this Stapleton mom can’t imagine a day without a walk.

Chris” Me Time: Every morning after Asher gets on the bus and before I start my day, I walk. My husband and I also trade off the weekly food responsibilities in our household—I’m “on” one week and “off” the next. On weeks when I’m “off,” I have a good hour each evening, just for me. I might read, go shopping, spend time with my kid or dog, or even take a nap. Whatever I want to do during that time, it’s for me only.

How do you carve out Me Time? I walk every day, regardless of weather or schedule; it’s a ritual. Sometimes it’s only for 20 minutes or so, but other days I walk for up to an hour. On Wednesdays and Fridays I lead a walking group, which allows me to have Me Time with friends.

Why is Me Time important to you?

Walking in the morning keeps me sane, and although the exercise benefits are wonderful, it’s more about my mental attitude and aptitude. Creativity spills out of me during my walks, and stress dissipates. I can’t imagine a day without a walk; it”d be dreadful.

This article was originally published in January 2025.
Christina Cook

Christina Cook is the associate editor for Colorado Parent magazine.