We all know Colorado is teeming with beautiful wildlife. As beautiful as they are, things can quickly turn dangerous when people do not know how to safely interact with wildlife. Every year, people get seriously hurt and some even lose their lives because of this. It is important to understand that these animals live in the wild. They are not your pet, so they should not be treated like such. One important reminder is to keep a safe distance from wildlife. Do not approach them and do not chase them no matter how “cute” they look. Instead, be mindful of their body language. If they feel threatened, do not run away. If they don’t go away themselves, slowly back away. The same goes for younger animals too. They look exceptionally cute and cuddly, but that does not mean you approach them even if you think they may be hurt or abandoned. Playing hero could put you in a very dangerous situation if the mother is nearby and feeding them human food because they “look hungry” can end up doing more harm than good. If you have any concerns, contact the Colorado Parks and Wildlife department.
How to Safely Interact with Wildlife