These patterned friendship bracelets woven from embroidery floss are fun to make and to share. Once you learn the basic technique, you can expand your repertoire to include a range of stylish necklaces and even belts (use yarn instead of floss).
To make a diagonal pattern:
- Start with two 56-inch threads; if you use more than 2, use longer threads. The more threads you use of the same color, the thicker the stripes. To begin, fold threads in half and knot at folded end, leaving a loop. You now have 4 strings. Loop string 1 around 2, pulling knot tight toward top. Repeat. Then use string 1 to make 2 knots each on strings 3 and 4.
- Now string 1 will be on the other side. Repeat same steps with string 2. Row 3 will start with string 3. Continue until bracelet is desired length. To fasten, divide ends in half; tie together through loop.

To make a chevron pattern:
- To create this design with 4 threads, fold and knot so you have 8 strings. Arrange strings so colors mirror each other (for example, make strings 1 and 8 blue; 2 and 7 red; and so on).
- Starting from the outside, knot string 1 to strings 3 and 4.
- Next, knot string 8 to strings 7, 6, and 5.
- Last, knot string 1 to string 8 in the middle. Then repeat for next row.
- Continue until bracelet is desired length. To fasten, tie ends together through loop.
Reprinted with permission from Martha Stewart’s Favorite Crafts for Kids by the editors of Martha Stewart Living. © 2013 by Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc.