It’s hard to always be the reassuring one; the queller of worries, the boo-boo kisser, the fear pacifier, especially when your grown-up brain is also spinning. It’s been a rough couple of years, so we all need something hopeful to read together. Everything Will Be OK (February 2022) is the book to add to your family library this year. Written by the late children’s author of the Llama, Llama books, Anna Dewdney, and illustrated by New York Times bestselling picture book author/illustrator of the Skippyjon Jones books, Judy Schachner, Everything Will Be OK gives a big literary hug and reminds us that, even on bad days, things are going to be fine.
The Perfect Pick-me-up To Add to Your Child’s Bookshelf
Sweetly reassuring, Everything Will Be OK is a message of hope from two beloved children’s book authors.