This simple bracelet is a festive and creepy accessory for any costume, or wear it just for fun this Halloween.

Spider Bracelet
Courtesy of Duck Tape
Supplies and Tools:
- Black and purple Duck Tape
- Scissors
- Craft knife
- Floral wire
- Self-adhesive hook and loop fastener
- Crafting board

Step 1
Cut a strip of Duck Tape that is the length you want for your bracelet.

Step 2
Fold your strip in half, sticky side to sticky side. Set this aside.

Step 3
Make a double-sided strip of Duck Tape for the spider’s body.

Step 4
Draw and cut out the shape of your spider’s body. Set this aside.

Step 5
Cut 16 identical strips of Duck Tape for legs of your spider.

Step 6
Lay a piece of floral wire one the sticky side of one strip and lay another strip on top so the wire is sandwiched in between. Repeat for the other strips so you have 8 legs total.

Step 7
With a small strip of Duck Tape, attach each leg to the spider’s body from step 4.

Step 8
Once all of your legs are attached, bend each one so the spider stands on its own.

Step 9
Attach the spider to your bracelet with a strip of Duck Tape.

Step 10
Attach a hook and loop fastener to secure your bracelet to your wrist. Add embellishments like google eyes and tiny crystals.