The Urban Farm
Adventure, Camps
Denver, CO 80239
From the Sponsor
The Urban Farm
Established: 1995
Camp Phone Number: (720) 414-6141
What is the camp’s mission and philosophy?
Summer Camp at The Urban Farm (TUF) provides meaningful experiences for youth to connect with the outdoors and animals.
What safety measures are in place?
The site is fully staffed and monitored at all times and is equipped with security cameras and alarms. All staff undergo comprehensive emergency procedures training.
What is the camper-to-counselor ratio?
10 campers to 1 counselor.
How are staff members screened and trained?
All staff members are fully vetted, including background checks and fingerprinting. Staff undergo a 2 week, structured training session inclusive of all Denver City childcare license requirements.
Is there a daily schedule, and can you provide an example?
Campers engage in a variety of educational activities and games, receiving hands-on learning about food production, the care for livestock and being responsible stewards of the environment.
Are there opportunities for free play or downtime?
All campers received a scheduled period of supervised free play time. Physical activities are intentionally planned with the consideration of inclement weather on the farm.
How does the camp handle health issues and allergies?
The staff receives comprehensive training on physical and mental health related issues, as well as allergic events. Related and specific information for each camper is collected prior to camp.
Are there opportunities for parents to visit or participate in camp activities?
Parents are always welcome to visit and observe camp at The Urban Farm!