It seems like we’re all just trying to stay busy lately, and if you’re running low on those ah-ha ideas to keep your kids entertained, we’ve got you covered. These easy-to-make crafts require very few supplies, so you don’t need to panic buy glitter or a three hole punch online. Plus, even if you happen to be missing something that one of these crafts calls for, you can simply help your child come up with a different way to make it their own.
Spoon Dolls
Cupcake wrappers, washi tape, and colored pencils turn wooden (or plastic) utensils into fun new toys.

Egg Carton Flowers
To make these festive flowers, simply cut an egg carton into three sections of four, paint the petals, then glue a paper straw or painted stick to the back. Have some pom-poms lying around the house? Add the finishing touch by glueing one in the middle of your flower.

Cotton Pad Rain Clouds
As it turns out, cotton pads can be used for more than just removing nail polish. Let your kids glue them onto cardboard and attach popsicle sticks to create their very own rain clouds.

Milk Carton City
Before recycling an empty milk carton, give it another life by transforming it into a building. Let your child decorate the structures using markers or paper. Then, help them paint a street on paper or fabric so you can drive toy cars through your new city.

Paper Buggies
No toy cars at home? No problem! Make your own with just a bit of paper and some glue.

Desk Organizer
Straighten up your space by repurposing a toilet paper roll to corral your pencils and pens. Add rhinestones, lace, and scrapbooking paper to give each organizer its own personality.

Watercolor Ducks
Go back to the basics by tracing your child’s favorite animals that they can then practice cutting out. Set out watercolors or paints to decorate the animals.

Pipe Cleaner Pals
These googly-eyed friends give us major Forky vibes. Use them to play make believe, or as a new bookmark that your kid can tuck into their favorite read.

Egg Carton Flower Wreath
Perfect for Easter or Mother’s Day, this vibrant wreath is the ideal craft for older kids. Use brightly colored paper and sparkly pom-poms—both are sure to add some extra cheer throughout your home.