It’s easy to get caught up in school events, soccer practice, and homework, and completely forget all the fun ways you wanted to celebrate the season. Mom of one and owner of her own communications firm, Dawn Crawford, came up with a mom-hack to keep all the pumpkin patches, applesauce recipes, and seasonal activities front of mind: she makes a seasonal bucket list.

“I tend to be boring and forget cool things to do unless I make myself a list,” Crawford says. She takes her list a step further by posting it on a kitchen pantry door that’s been painted with chalkboard paint (shown). At the beginning of each season, Crawford, her husband Brian, and daughter Katrina compile their seasonal activities list. “Then when we have a free weekend day, we look at the list and make something happen,” she says. “We mark things off as we achieve our goals.”

The Crawfords add easy-to-achieve activities as well as what they call “stretch” items, that take a little more effort. The wall serves another purpose, too, Crawford says. “I’m also using it as chapter markers in my Instagram stories.”

Don’t have a chalkboard wall? Grab a piece of posterboard and let the kids design a bucket-list poster each season. Hang it in a place in your home that you pass each day.

This article was originally published in January 2025.
Deborah Mock

Deborah Mock is the editor for Colorado Parent magazine.