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after school behavior fighting

Back to School and Acting Up

The new school year just started and suddenly your child is acting out at home. Our expert weighs in on how to address this behavior before it gets worse.

superhero parent

How Would the Superheroes Parent?

Marvel superheroes have dominated in the box office this summer. Sure they can battle a bunch of baddies, but could they survive an epic toddler tantrum? Here’s how one local mom thinks they would handle parenting.

Jayson Luber twirling

Baton-Twirling Dad

Denver7 traffic anchor Jayson Luber is the support crew and number one fan of his baton-twirling daughters. Read all about his experiences.

influential colorado moms

12 Influential Colorado Moms

The impact of these local moms can be felt in everything from children’s TV programming to state legislation. Here, they share—in their own words—how they pursue their passions while raising their families.

Butterfly Pavilion yoga

8 Places to Have Fun Without the Kids

Many kid-friendly places in the Denver metro area offer events just for adults. So book a sitter, leave the kids at home, and enjoy some much-needed adult time.

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